PG-13 [clear filter]
Friday, July 19

20:00 EDT

Forlorn and Frozen

Forlorn and Frozen
The mighty icebreaker HMS Barnabus Gaul set out to carve a new shipping lane around Motsuda Island...but it never returned. You have been dispatched to discover the fate of the ship and its crew.

avatar for Joe McGee (Quirkville)

Joe McGee (Quirkville)

Hey there, friends! I've been playing, running, and collecting RPGs for over 40 years. As a professional and published author, storytelling is in my blood. I look forward to a fun and friendly session of Crown and Skull with you! 🙂

Friday July 19, 2024 20:00 - 23:00 EDT
Saturday, July 20

07:00 EDT

Last Flight of the Red Sword

In an instant, your Warp Shell drops in silently from subspace, drifting in the solar shadow of a dead Reptoid Supercruiser, the Red Sword, a notorious pirate vessel. Beyond the lightless, bladed ship, a dying star bleeds coils of weird vapor into the abyss. As a low, dreadful hum fills your ears, you prepare to dock and investigate...

avatar for Kane Driscol

Kane Driscol

Kane's Kiln
I’m a huge fan of Runehammer's Index Card RPG, and my Kiln is where I roll some dice and play some games. Like any day-to-day GM, I’m always thinking about fun new encounters, room designs, monsters, and this great game.

Saturday July 20, 2024 07:00 - 09:00 EDT

10:00 EDT

What Lurks Below

Time is short! Perform an ancient ritual and stop the awakening of a slumbering beast not seen in millennia. Other factions are in play, and they seek to control the power of the beast for their own purposes…

avatar for M1rage


With nearly 20 years of experience on both sides of the GM screen, trying various RPGs and adding what I liked to my style of play, I've settled into Index Card RPG because I love the flexibility and freedom it gives players and GMs. My style is laid back, and I love to reward creativity... Read More →

Saturday July 20, 2024 10:00 - 13:00 EDT

10:30 EDT

Shadows Over Broken Rock

Monstrous birdlike creatures hunting by night have preyed on travelers and caravans in recent weeks, and now a nobleman’s heir has been carried off. Local lords have pooled resources to hire your brave band of adventurers. Do you dare to investigate this skyborne menace and make southern Nordheim safe again? (Features sneak peek content from the upcoming independently published Index Card RPG setting guide Omnisumbra: Adventure in the Twelve Realms.)

avatar for Christian Bynum

Christian Bynum

I’m a graphic design professional, writer/editor, and former research scientist. I have 46 years of experience as a GM enjoying over two dozen RPG systems across all genres. I run Index Card RPG because it’s my favorite. Your fun at RuneJammer is my priority, and I look forward... Read More →

Saturday July 20, 2024 10:30 - 14:00 EDT

14:00 EDT

What Lurks Below

Summoned when an archaeologist makes a chilling discovery, a slumbering ancient beast is only days away from awakening. 

A powerful Shaogon Warlord from under the mountain seeks its power, and you are now in a mad dash to stop this acquisition before the arcane ritual to consummate it is completed. 

A lost scarab relic, a conduit for primordial magic, may hold the key, but it must be found and used before the evening sun sets…

avatar for M1rage


With nearly 20 years of experience on both sides of the GM screen, trying various RPGs and adding what I liked to my style of play, I've settled into Index Card RPG because I love the flexibility and freedom it gives players and GMs. My style is laid back, and I love to reward creativity... Read More →

Saturday July 20, 2024 14:00 - 17:00 EDT

19:00 EDT

Wasted World: The Leroy Brown Job

Leroy Brown, the owner of the Strangle Hold is seeking a band of wastelanders to investigate a site of ancient power source, reputed to hold the secret to reviving the Wasted World and usher back an age of civilization with unlimited energy. Broke, desperate, and hungry, can you refuse the call?

avatar for Steve Kanaras

Steve Kanaras

Steve Kanaras has been playing tabletop roleplaying games since the early 1980s. His preferred playstyle is narrative with a healthy dose of mirth. He was fortunate enough to be involved with playtesting EZd6, and it's become by far his favorite game to GM.

Saturday July 20, 2024 19:00 - 22:00 EDT
  EZD6, Wasted World

19:30 EDT

Hard Landing: A Trip to the Moon

Houston, we have a problem. A decade after the Apollo Program, your moon mission's command module turns into a ticking time bomb following insertion into lunar orbit, and now your goal is to bring your malfunctioning landing module down safely to the Moon’s surface and traverse the shortfall to your base before your time—and oxygen—runs out.

Hard Landing: A Trip to the Moon is a desperate and thrilling emergency lunar landing roleplaying game scenario, a dangerous race against time set against the backdrop of an alternate history space race.

Do you have the right stuff to join this crew? (This session is run in honor of the 55th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.)

NB: This scenario requires a crew of three (3) astronauts. If this unique and exciting session fills up, wait list positions are available; if I get three (3) extra astronauts, I will attempt to spin off and schedule a second session!

avatar for Christian Bynum

Christian Bynum

I’m a graphic design professional, writer/editor, and former research scientist. I have 46 years of experience as a GM enjoying over two dozen RPG systems across all genres. I run Index Card RPG because it’s my favorite. Your fun at RuneJammer is my priority, and I look forward... Read More →

Saturday July 20, 2024 19:30 - 22:30 EDT

21:00 EDT

Isengrim Manor: The Courtyard

Premise: After the Mother's Den Massacre, the Fellowship has fled to Isengrim Manor searching for sanctuary from the Lady of Glass and Thorns. However, they find it abandoned and must fight their way in.

Isengrim Manor is an Index Card RPG campaign, world setting, and playset currently in development. Best described as “Darkest Dungeon in a fairytale castle,” in Isengrim Manor you play as the Fellowship, an adventuring company sworn to defeat the Lady of Glass and Thorns. You have fled from the Mother’s Den Massacre to Isengrim Manor, home of the Great Beast, only to find it abandoned. The Fellowship comprises ten pregenerated player characters integrated into the world’s lore and tone, which players select rather than creating their own.

avatar for Torn


I'm Torn (real name: Drew), a fan of RPGs and aspiring designer of what I call "Board Games with Theatrics,” halfway between board games and more traditionally freeform RPGs. I design stuff with an eye for specificity rather than customization, so my games tend to utilize pregenerated... Read More →

Saturday July 20, 2024 21:00 - 23:00 EDT
Sunday, July 21

14:00 EDT

Xeno Dead Zone

You and your squad are sent to terraforming station in response to their automated distress signal; now there is no response to your hails…

(Space horror with intense action)

avatar for Taylor (t8r)

Taylor (t8r)

Hiya, folks! Thanks for attending this year’s RuneJammer! I’m happy that you've found your way here, and I look forward to sharing some awesome adventures with you in this amazing hobby of ours!I have been a huge fan of all things Runehammer for the last few years, but have... Read More →

Sunday July 21, 2024 14:00 - 17:00 EDT
  Index Card RPG, Xeno Dead Zone

18:00 EDT

Crown of the Mythosaur: Mandalore Calls (Mandalorian)

You and your fellow Mandos have been summoned to the living Waters to witness the ushering in of a new age of Mandalorian culture and tradition. Upon his return from another galaxy, Grand Admiral Thrawn and his Dathomir Witch Sisterhood sees the downfall of Mandalore as a key strategic move to restore the might of the former Empire.

avatar for Jerry Whiting

Jerry Whiting

I’m Jerry, and I love playing RPGs with noobs and veteran players alike. I follow the Rule of Cool. Rather than be locked down by a restrictive, pre-generated character sheet, I would rather we collectively discover your character together—not in a contrived way, but wherein... Read More →

Sunday July 21, 2024 18:00 - 21:00 EDT

20:30 EDT

The Lost Shard of Mooncrest

The Crystal Observatory in Mooncrest is missing! The cause of its disappearance remains undisclosed, but you have been hired and dispatched from Hogansfort to resolve this crisis. Mooncrest has spared no expense to keep its secrets safe. Meanwhile, Elven agents from Thryn and Samurai from Gulglac are converging on the small lumber town south of the Elk River. The race is on—will you uncover the truth before they do?

Rated PG-13—Heroic pulp adventure with moments of horror

avatar for Trent “Jface” Harrison

Trent “Jface” Harrison

Jface Games
How we doing?!  My name is Jface, and I'm a TTRPG and board game enthusiast.  I'm in the midst of creating my own game.  On my YT channel I go through the process of exploring what makes other games work.  We analyze mechanics, the math behind it, and the general feel/vibe.  If... Read More →

Sunday July 21, 2024 20:30 - 23:30 EDT
  Crown and Skull

20:30 EDT

XDZ: Orvald's Station

You've set the detonators, but nothing has stood in your way. Why are you here then? Suddenly, the timer jumps to 5 minutes and warning lights start to blink. What's crawling in the shadows? You need to escape!

You can die in this adventure, and it may be an inevitability if die rolls are cold.

avatar for Phillip


Howdy! I like to play and run games of tactical infinity! I will raise you up and let you shine while helping keep the guard rails on so we're all in a safe space! We're here to have fun. I primarily play Index Card RPG: Master Edition (or Core 2e), Basic Roleplaying UGE, (games... Read More →

Sunday July 21, 2024 20:30 - 23:30 EDT
Monday, July 22

07:00 EDT

Mammoth Consequences (Blood and Snow)

Save your tribe in their time of need by hunting the most legendary quarry of the Pleistocene Epoch, the mighty mammoth! Bringing down such a woolly titan is only the first challenge...

avatar for Christian Bynum

Christian Bynum

I’m a graphic design professional, writer/editor, and former research scientist. I have 46 years of experience as a GM enjoying over two dozen RPG systems across all genres. I run Index Card RPG because it’s my favorite. Your fun at RuneJammer is my priority, and I look forward... Read More →

Monday July 22, 2024 07:00 - 10:00 EDT

11:00 EDT

Isengrim Manor: The Library

Premise: The Fellowship is exploring the Library, a dangerous library inhabited by adventuring mice, child-like goblins, animated books, and a vampiric head librarian.

Isengrim Manor is an Index Card RPG campaign, world setting, and playset currently in development. Best described as “Darkest Dungeon in a fairytale castle,” in Isengrim Manor you play as the Fellowship, an adventuring company sworn to defeat the Lady of Glass and Thorns. You have fled from the Mother’s Den Massacre to Isengrim Manor, home of the Great Beast, only to find it abandoned. The Fellowship comprises ten pregenerated player characters integrated into the world’s lore and tone, which players select rather than creating their own.

avatar for Torn


I'm Torn (real name: Drew), a fan of RPGs and aspiring designer of what I call "Board Games with Theatrics,” halfway between board games and more traditionally freeform RPGs. I design stuff with an eye for specificity rather than customization, so my games tend to utilize pregenerated... Read More →

Monday July 22, 2024 11:00 - 13:00 EDT

19:30 EDT

Escape From Atlantis

• Escape from Atlantis!!
• The King of Atlantis is delighted to have you for dinner
• 7/22 1930 EDT
• PG - Fantasy Adventure and Escape
• 3 hours
• 5 players


Monday July 22, 2024 19:30 - 22:30 EDT

20:00 EDT

Orvald's Tower

Orvald the Wizard lies defeated, and our heroes stand at the pinnacle of his mind-bending spire. Now, a magical maelstrom destroys the incredible structure, and the only escape is down. Can you get out in time?

avatar for skippy


skippy is a creative and dynamic player and GM. He enjoys almost all genres of role playing games except super heroes, for reasons he cannot satisfactorily explain. He's probably taller than you.

Monday July 22, 2024 20:00 - 22:30 EDT
Tuesday, July 23

08:00 EDT

Isengrim Manor: The Clocktower

The Fellowship is exploring the Clocktower, a terrifying tower filled with clockwork horrors and incredibly powerful treasures.

Isengrim Manor is an Index Card RPG campaign, world setting, and playset currently in development. Best described as “Darkest Dungeon in a fairytale castle,” in Isengrim Manor you play as the Fellowship, an adventuring company sworn to defeat the Lady of Glass and Thorns. You have fled from the Mother’s Den Massacre to Isengrim Manor, home of the Great Beast, only to find it abandoned. The Fellowship comprises ten pregenerated player characters integrated into the world’s lore and tone, which players select rather than creating their own.

avatar for Torn


I'm Torn (real name: Drew), a fan of RPGs and aspiring designer of what I call "Board Games with Theatrics,” halfway between board games and more traditionally freeform RPGs. I design stuff with an eye for specificity rather than customization, so my games tend to utilize pregenerated... Read More →

Tuesday July 23, 2024 08:00 - 10:00 EDT

12:00 EDT

Gobblin' Goblins

Can you rescue the hostages before the Goblin Raiders kill and eat them?

(Heroic fantasy and horror with fast, deadly, high-stakes action)

avatar for Micah Green (Antbear)

Micah Green (Antbear)

My name is Micah. I go by Micah369 on the Runehammer forums and Antbear (@antbear369) on Discord. I love fantasy stories and medieval weapons and combat.I've been running Index Card RPG for about three years, from scrappy dungeon runs to full-session dragon fights. I love how the... Read More →

Tuesday July 23, 2024 12:00 - 15:00 EDT

13:00 EDT

The Pool of the Nameless Things

The adventurers travel to a remote village to meet a contact who has crucial information for their quest. When they arrive, their contact is nowhere to be found...


Tuesday July 23, 2024 13:00 - 15:00 EDT

19:00 EDT

Wizard's Tower

A massive thunderstorm brought great floods, misery, and strife. But more incredible, a massive mudslide unearthed a fabulous tower made of gleaming metal crackling with arcane energy. Rumors are swirling rapidly about not only the dangers, but the fabulous treasures that lurk within the Wizard’s Tower.

avatar for Steve Kanaras

Steve Kanaras

Steve Kanaras has been playing tabletop roleplaying games since the early 1980s. His preferred playstyle is narrative with a healthy dose of mirth. He was fortunate enough to be involved with playtesting EZd6, and it's become by far his favorite game to GM.

Tuesday July 23, 2024 19:00 - 22:00 EDT

19:00 EDT

Viking Death Squad

You and your squad are sent to liberate the last Immortal and free them from the Imperium prison barge before it launches into orbit.

avatar for Taylor (t8r)

Taylor (t8r)

Hiya, folks! Thanks for attending this year’s RuneJammer! I’m happy that you've found your way here, and I look forward to sharing some awesome adventures with you in this amazing hobby of ours!I have been a huge fan of all things Runehammer for the last few years, but have... Read More →

Tuesday July 23, 2024 19:00 - 22:00 EDT
  Viking Death Squad

20:00 EDT

The Night the Lights Went Out in Grimwood

You are agents of ORB (Observation Reaction Bureau), an organization that handles discreetly magic-related incidents. You and your team have been called upon to investigate disappearance and power issues at the power plant in Wolfwater. (Set in the soon-to-be-released, independently published Grimwood City setting supplement.)

Rated PG-13 for creepy-crawlies and dead bodies

avatar for David Ward

David Ward

Owner, Grimwood Games
Dave Ward is a veteran game master with over 25 years of experience, currently developing his own game, the Grimwood System. Dave’s passion for role-playing extends to the in-depth study of game mechanics and the dynamics of game worlds. Dave also runs Twitch and YouTube channels... Read More →

Tuesday July 23, 2024 20:00 - 23:00 EDT

20:00 EDT

The Blackwood File

Everyone has trouble with the law eventually, and you have had yours. Fortunately, you had your past problems abated with the help Arthur Blackwood, a trusted and skilled attorney-at-law in Boston. Years later, you find yourself in your lawyer’s office again, but this time Arthur is under indictment—for murder—and you have been called to help him clear his name. It’s 1927, and even cutting-edge forensics can only go so far, so Arthur is counting on you to investigate and solve the mysterious and bloody disappearance of his wife, Rose, in the next few days before his trial starts…

Enjoy a genuine whodunnit run ICRPG-style in this unique Jazz Age scenario that manifests tones from both Lovecraftian thrillers and film noir.

NB: This is a cosmic horror investigation scenario in the style of the fiction of HP Lovecraft. (This session features material from The Cthulhack, a free, independent, original rules-light cosmic horror addendum for ICRPG Master Edition.)

avatar for Christian Bynum

Christian Bynum

I’m a graphic design professional, writer/editor, and former research scientist. I have 46 years of experience as a GM enjoying over two dozen RPG systems across all genres. I run Index Card RPG because it’s my favorite. Your fun at RuneJammer is my priority, and I look forward... Read More →

Tuesday July 23, 2024 20:00 - Wednesday July 24, 2024 00:00 EDT

20:30 EDT

Echo Sighted (Planet of the Apes)

A human has been sighted for the first time in your village. What do the portents say? Does it bring luck or is it a harbinger of death? Play to find out!

avatar for Jerry Whiting

Jerry Whiting

I’m Jerry, and I love playing RPGs with noobs and veteran players alike. I follow the Rule of Cool. Rather than be locked down by a restrictive, pre-generated character sheet, I would rather we collectively discover your character together—not in a contrived way, but wherein... Read More →

Tuesday July 23, 2024 20:30 - 23:30 EDT
Wednesday, July 24

07:00 EDT

Vault #OZ-232

Another day, another bank robbery. From high up on the rooftops of Vigilante City, you can hear the sirens and alarms of Uptown's Central Bank going off. Better go and lend a hand before things get messy...

avatar for Kane Driscol

Kane Driscol

Kane's Kiln
I’m a huge fan of Runehammer's Index Card RPG, and my Kiln is where I roll some dice and play some games. Like any day-to-day GM, I’m always thinking about fun new encounters, room designs, monsters, and this great game.

Wednesday July 24, 2024 07:00 - 09:00 EDT

12:00 EDT

Red Fang

Beneath Dur Moro, a legendary sword rests in an ancient temple to a blood sorcerer known as Aras of Iridess. Can you retrieve the weapon before his followers raise him from his slumber?

(This heroic fantasy dungeon crawl has player characters destined for CERTAIN DEATH!)

avatar for Micah Green (Antbear)

Micah Green (Antbear)

My name is Micah. I go by Micah369 on the Runehammer forums and Antbear (@antbear369) on Discord. I love fantasy stories and medieval weapons and combat.I've been running Index Card RPG for about three years, from scrappy dungeon runs to full-session dragon fights. I love how the... Read More →

Wednesday July 24, 2024 12:00 - 15:00 EDT

19:30 EDT

TAKEN By Frogkin

• TAKEN by Frogkin
• A party with a particular set of skills needs to rescue a maiden in distress
• 7/24 1930 EDT
• PG-13 - Fantasy Action Adventure
• 3 hours
• 5 players


Wednesday July 24, 2024 19:30 - 22:30 EDT

20:00 EDT

Orvald's Tower

Orvald the Wizard lies defeated, and our heroes stand at the pinnacle of his mind-bending spire. Now, a magical maelstrom destroys the incredible structure, and the only escape is down. Can you get out in time?

avatar for skippy


skippy is a creative and dynamic player and GM. He enjoys almost all genres of role playing games except super heroes, for reasons he cannot satisfactorily explain. He's probably taller than you.

Wednesday July 24, 2024 20:00 - 22:30 EDT

20:00 EDT

The Haunted Keep

The once profitable town of Chiswell is now cast in shadow. The Karlsburg Keep eminates darkness. Can you push through to find the source and secure yourself some treasure?

avatar for Phillip


Howdy! I like to play and run games of tactical infinity! I will raise you up and let you shine while helping keep the guard rails on so we're all in a safe space! We're here to have fun. I primarily play Index Card RPG: Master Edition (or Core 2e), Basic Roleplaying UGE, (games... Read More →

Wednesday July 24, 2024 20:00 - 23:00 EDT

20:00 EDT

Wednesday Night Pit Fight!


A blood-soaked death match—the ultimate single-elimination fighting tournament—is just another Wednesday night at the pit fights in Arlston, a rough-and-tumble city deep within the vast pine forests of eastern Nordheim. Enter to win the infamous Tag Team Division, where cutthroats and casters pair up to seek gold and glory each week! Every player builds two Alfheim characters—one martial class (Warrior, Hunter, or Shadow) and one caster class (Priest, Mage, or Bard)—and brings them to the table on game night. Only the GM and his dice know who will fight against whom…or who will be left standing when it’s over! A minimum of 4 players are required for this session—so bring a friend! (And a good attitude.)


avatar for Christian Bynum

Christian Bynum

I’m a graphic design professional, writer/editor, and former research scientist. I have 46 years of experience as a GM enjoying over two dozen RPG systems across all genres. I run Index Card RPG because it’s my favorite. Your fun at RuneJammer is my priority, and I look forward... Read More →

Wednesday July 24, 2024 20:00 - Thursday July 25, 2024 00:00 EDT

20:30 EDT

To Hell and Back Again (VDS)

To Hell and Back Again
An Immortal’s Tale by Nilbo Jaggins

Immortals and humans are sandwiched between Hell and the War Pigs. Sounds like a good day to die!

An original Viking Death Squad scenario

avatar for Jerry Whiting

Jerry Whiting

I’m Jerry, and I love playing RPGs with noobs and veteran players alike. I follow the Rule of Cool. Rather than be locked down by a restrictive, pre-generated character sheet, I would rather we collectively discover your character together—not in a contrived way, but wherein... Read More →

Wednesday July 24, 2024 20:30 - 23:30 EDT

21:00 EDT

Isengrim Manor: The Statue Garden

The Fellowship is exploring the Statue Garden, populated by animated statues, their gardens, and a Gorgon Groundskeeper.

Isengrim Manor is an Index Card RPG campaign, world setting, and playset currently in development. Best described as “Darkest Dungeon in a fairytale castle,” in Isengrim Manor you play as the Fellowship, an adventuring company sworn to defeat the Lady of Glass and Thorns. You have fled from the Mother’s Den Massacre to Isengrim Manor, home of the Great Beast, only to find it abandoned. The Fellowship comprises ten pregenerated player characters integrated into the world’s lore and tone, which players select rather than creating their own.

avatar for Torn


I'm Torn (real name: Drew), a fan of RPGs and aspiring designer of what I call "Board Games with Theatrics,” halfway between board games and more traditionally freeform RPGs. I design stuff with an eye for specificity rather than customization, so my games tend to utilize pregenerated... Read More →

Wednesday July 24, 2024 21:00 - 23:00 EDT
Thursday, July 25

12:00 EDT

Frosthaven In Flames

Making your way through a treacherous mountain pass, you see the oasis of Frosthaven ahead. Unfortunately, it is shrouded in a thick black smoke… Can you get there in time?

(A heroic fantasy rescue mission with high-stakes action)

avatar for Micah Green (Antbear)

Micah Green (Antbear)

My name is Micah. I go by Micah369 on the Runehammer forums and Antbear (@antbear369) on Discord. I love fantasy stories and medieval weapons and combat.I've been running Index Card RPG for about three years, from scrappy dungeon runs to full-session dragon fights. I love how the... Read More →

Thursday July 25, 2024 12:00 - 15:00 EDT

13:00 EDT

A Rough Night in Stahlbruck

The adventurers are running low on coin when they are offered a quick, simple job. It almost sounds too good to be true.


Thursday July 25, 2024 13:00 - 15:00 EDT

19:00 EDT

Wasted World: Desert Sky

Word travels quickly when sites are discovered loaded with supplies and artifacts from the World before the Miasma. The desert sands have opened up to reveal a long last bastion of commerce and goods, the Desert Sky Shopping Mall!

avatar for Steve Kanaras

Steve Kanaras

Steve Kanaras has been playing tabletop roleplaying games since the early 1980s. His preferred playstyle is narrative with a healthy dose of mirth. He was fortunate enough to be involved with playtesting EZd6, and it's become by far his favorite game to GM.

Thursday July 25, 2024 19:00 - 22:00 EDT
  EZD6, Wasted World

19:00 EDT

Viking Death Squad

You and your squad are sent to liberate the last Immortal and free them from the Imperium prison barge before it launches into orbit.

avatar for Taylor (t8r)

Taylor (t8r)

Hiya, folks! Thanks for attending this year’s RuneJammer! I’m happy that you've found your way here, and I look forward to sharing some awesome adventures with you in this amazing hobby of ours!I have been a huge fan of all things Runehammer for the last few years, but have... Read More →

Thursday July 25, 2024 19:00 - 22:00 EDT
  Viking Death Squad

20:00 EDT

The Vault of Ancient Treasures: An EZD6 Wasted World Adventure

An ancient vault brimming with lost technology has been unearthed, yet Doomsayers whisper of a malevolent Evil stirring in its shadows. Are you brave enough to face your deepest fears and unlock treasures beyond your wildest dreams? Will greed or common sense prevail…?

Greed, of course!

  • Join me, DM Scotty, as I run you through my original EZD6 Wasted World adventure
  • I will be running the game on Roll20 with a separate video chat
  • All materials will be provided (No EZD6 experience needed)
  • Players will create Survivor characters

avatar for DM Scotty

DM Scotty

Special Guest GM
I was in high school when I started roleplaying with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1e). I adore the RPG experience, as it is truly unique. The thrill of engaging with a narrative crafted by everyone at the table is a feeling that never grows old.I created the DM's Craft YouTube channel... Read More →

Thursday July 25, 2024 20:00 - Friday July 26, 2024 00:00 EDT
  EZD6, Wasted World

20:30 EDT

The Blackmoor Sleep Experiment

You awaken in an inpatient facility after days of unspeakable maltreatment. As subjects in the Blackmoor Sleep Experiment, you must evade and escape your captors before they administer an experimental serum that will condemn you to an unthinkable fate…

avatar for Jerry Whiting

Jerry Whiting

I’m Jerry, and I love playing RPGs with noobs and veteran players alike. I follow the Rule of Cool. Rather than be locked down by a restrictive, pre-generated character sheet, I would rather we collectively discover your character together—not in a contrived way, but wherein... Read More →

Thursday July 25, 2024 20:30 - 23:30 EDT

20:30 EDT

The Lost Shard of Mooncrest

The Crystal Observatory in Mooncrest is missing! The cause of its disappearance remains undisclosed, but you have been hired and dispatched from Hogansfort to resolve this crisis. Mooncrest has spared no expense to keep its secrets safe. Meanwhile, Elven agents from Thryn and Samurai from Gulglac are converging on the small lumber town south of the Elk River. The race is on—will you uncover the truth before they do?

Rated PG-13—Heroic pulp adventure with moments of horror

avatar for Trent “Jface” Harrison

Trent “Jface” Harrison

Jface Games
How we doing?!  My name is Jface, and I'm a TTRPG and board game enthusiast.  I'm in the midst of creating my own game.  On my YT channel I go through the process of exploring what makes other games work.  We analyze mechanics, the math behind it, and the general feel/vibe.  If... Read More →

Thursday July 25, 2024 20:30 - 23:30 EDT
  Crown and Skull

20:30 EDT

The Thrall Pens of Rozhak: An Omnisumbra Adventure

Far from Alfheim, across the multiverse, deep inside the bowels of a mountain on an otherworldly plane of eternal shadow, the minions of evil dwell in seclusion. For 12,000 years the devious disciples of the magic-wielding Reich of Rozhak of have toiled in silence far underground, forgotten in history by all but the most esoteric of scholars. Now the Reich returns, on the rise and in league with slavers from the surface who have abducted your compatriots. Rescue them and repel the invaders from below... (Features sneak peek content from the upcoming independently published Index Card RPG setting guide Omnisumbra: Adventure in the Twelve Realms.)

avatar for Christian Bynum

Christian Bynum

I’m a graphic design professional, writer/editor, and former research scientist. I have 46 years of experience as a GM enjoying over two dozen RPG systems across all genres. I run Index Card RPG because it’s my favorite. Your fun at RuneJammer is my priority, and I look forward... Read More →

Thursday July 25, 2024 20:30 - Friday July 26, 2024 00:00 EDT
Friday, July 26

09:00 EDT

Return to Unalaya: The Horror Continues

High atop the snowy peaks of Grey’s mountainous Unalaya Range lies a dwarven fortress, abandoned and dormant for almost hundred years after a terrifying reptilian monstrosity known as the Horror slew the stronghold’s entire complement save for one. Now the sole survivor, an elderly thane of Duradin, has tasked you with returning to the fortress to stamp out the ancient evil from deep within the mountain. (Features sneak peek content from the upcoming independently published Index Card RPG bestiary Munyb's Menagerie: Exhibits Unleashed.)

avatar for Christian Bynum

Christian Bynum

I’m a graphic design professional, writer/editor, and former research scientist. I have 46 years of experience as a GM enjoying over two dozen RPG systems across all genres. I run Index Card RPG because it’s my favorite. Your fun at RuneJammer is my priority, and I look forward... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 09:00 - 12:00 EDT

12:00 EDT

Crypt of The Horned God

Cultist activity in the crypt below the city has caused a deadly plague. Stop them, and end the curse!

(A heroic fantasy hostage rescue with high-stakes action)

avatar for Micah Green (Antbear)

Micah Green (Antbear)

My name is Micah. I go by Micah369 on the Runehammer forums and Antbear (@antbear369) on Discord. I love fantasy stories and medieval weapons and combat.I've been running Index Card RPG for about three years, from scrappy dungeon runs to full-session dragon fights. I love how the... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 12:00 - 15:00 EDT

19:00 EDT

Crown and Skull

You've been hired along to help investigate finding a vital resource that could turn the tide against the froggish empire and Emperor Croakokame's tyranny.

avatar for Taylor (t8r)

Taylor (t8r)

Hiya, folks! Thanks for attending this year’s RuneJammer! I’m happy that you've found your way here, and I look forward to sharing some awesome adventures with you in this amazing hobby of ours!I have been a huge fan of all things Runehammer for the last few years, but have... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 19:00 - 22:00 EDT
  Crown and Skull

20:00 EDT

Catacombs of the Serpent Lords

Catacombs of the Serpent Lords
In the shifting sands and desert west of Hakburg, a merchant caravan has discovered the entrance to a long buried, lost temple. Eager to claim whatever treasures may lie within, the merchant has hired you to explore the catacombs.

avatar for Joe McGee (Quirkville)

Joe McGee (Quirkville)

Hey there, friends! I've been playing, running, and collecting RPGs for over 40 years. As a professional and published author, storytelling is in my blood. I look forward to a fun and friendly session of Crown and Skull with you! 🙂

Friday July 26, 2024 20:00 - 23:00 EDT

20:00 EDT

The Night the Lights Went Out in Grimwood

You are agents of ORB (Observation Reaction Bureau), an organization that handles discreetly magic-related incidents. You and your team have been called upon to investigate disappearance and power issues at the power plant in Wolfwater. (Set in the soon-to-be-released, independently published Grimwood City setting supplement.)

Rated PG-13 for creepy-crawlies and dead bodies

avatar for David Ward

David Ward

Owner, Grimwood Games
Dave Ward is a veteran game master with over 25 years of experience, currently developing his own game, the Grimwood System. Dave’s passion for role-playing extends to the in-depth study of game mechanics and the dynamics of game worlds. Dave also runs Twitch and YouTube channels... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 20:00 - 23:00 EDT

20:00 EDT

Live Prep & Play Game Session

Earlier in the day at 10:00 EST, I will crowdsource my session prep for a game run that evening.

avatar for Phillip


Howdy! I like to play and run games of tactical infinity! I will raise you up and let you shine while helping keep the guard rails on so we're all in a safe space! We're here to have fun. I primarily play Index Card RPG: Master Edition (or Core 2e), Basic Roleplaying UGE, (games... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 20:00 - 23:00 EDT
  Index Card RPG, Homebrew

20:00 EDT

Operation Sub-Terra: An Alternate History Pulp Adventure for ICRPG

Amid the turmoil of Word War II, an extraordinary discovery emerges that could pivot the war's fate: Element X. This newfound element promises scientific breakthroughs beyond imagination.

Nestled deep within the earth, in a vast, mysterious cavern teeming with life and breathable air, is the largest deposit of Element X ever discovered. The allies have engineered the Atomic Mole, a formidable drilling machine designed to penetrate the earth's depths to seize this game-changing resource.

As chosen ones, you are invited to join an elite team of agents on a daring mission to secure this invaluable treasure…

  • Join me, DM Scotty, as I run you through my original Index Card RPG pulp adventure
  • I will be running the game on Roll20 with a separate video chat
  • I will be using my very own ICRPG hack…Luck Dice 🎲 
  • Pregenerated pulp characters will provided
  • Others player character may not necessarily be who they seem to be…or be on your side… 😈

avatar for DM Scotty

DM Scotty

Special Guest GM
I was in high school when I started roleplaying with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1e). I adore the RPG experience, as it is truly unique. The thrill of engaging with a narrative crafted by everyone at the table is a feeling that never grows old.I created the DM's Craft YouTube channel... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 20:00 - Saturday July 27, 2024 00:00 EDT
  Index Card RPG, Pulp Adventure

21:00 EDT

The Meat Wagon

Foresters have reported a moving tower of rotting flesh, burning a strange grid into the valley. The Wizard's Guild believes the tower is searching for an intersection between two ley lines, and they warn of catastrophe if it finishes its search. An urgent call has been issued for adventurers bold enough to infiltrate this tower and halt its progress.

You have answered the call. If you live to tell the tale, all crimes up to treason will be pardoned, and kingly riches will be yours.

avatar for Micah Green (Antbear)

Micah Green (Antbear)

My name is Micah. I go by Micah369 on the Runehammer forums and Antbear (@antbear369) on Discord. I love fantasy stories and medieval weapons and combat.I've been running Index Card RPG for about three years, from scrappy dungeon runs to full-session dragon fights. I love how the... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 21:00 - Saturday July 27, 2024 00:00 EDT
Saturday, July 27

07:00 EDT

Garden of Acid

You’ve finally tracked down The Chemist, a villain you’ve encountered before who has always managed to slip through your fingers and retreat to his hideout in the sewers. He's working on a plan to poison the city, converting the entire area into an inhospitable wasteland of toxins and death. You've got to stop him tonight! Can you survive the wretched sewers and whatever else the Chemist has in store for you?

avatar for Kane Driscol

Kane Driscol

Kane's Kiln
I’m a huge fan of Runehammer's Index Card RPG, and my Kiln is where I roll some dice and play some games. Like any day-to-day GM, I’m always thinking about fun new encounters, room designs, monsters, and this great game.

Saturday July 27, 2024 07:00 - 09:00 EDT

10:00 EDT

Phlegethon: The Search for the Red Elder

A smoldering village in ruins, charred to ash, Grünburg is now a burnt wasteland, and you seek retribution upon the creator of this nightmare landscape—Phlegethon, an elder red dragon! Take a trove of ancient artifacts in hand and defeat the mighty fire drake—or perish in the attempt—because your own home village is next! (Features sneak peek content from the upcoming independently published Index Card RPG supplement Munyb's Menagerie: Exhibits Unleashed.)

(Wait list positions are available; if I get three (3) extra players on the wait list, I will attempt to spin off and schedule a second session!)

avatar for Christian Bynum

Christian Bynum

I’m a graphic design professional, writer/editor, and former research scientist. I have 46 years of experience as a GM enjoying over two dozen RPG systems across all genres. I run Index Card RPG because it’s my favorite. Your fun at RuneJammer is my priority, and I look forward... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 10:00 - 12:30 EDT

10:00 EDT

The Lord's Favor: The Dark Ritual

Summoned by a local lord to get his son back from a bandit guild before a grand gala, the gala is not as it seems…

avatar for M1rage


With nearly 20 years of experience on both sides of the GM screen, trying various RPGs and adding what I liked to my style of play, I've settled into Index Card RPG because I love the flexibility and freedom it gives players and GMs. My style is laid back, and I love to reward creativity... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 10:00 - 13:00 EDT

10:00 EDT

Crown and Skull Player's Choice (Pick your L.O.G.)

Players who sign up for the session will be able to pick their Genre, Setting, Starting Location, Obstacle, and Goal.

We can use either

- Index Card RPG: Master Edition
- Crown & Skull Vol. 1

avatar for Phillip


Howdy! I like to play and run games of tactical infinity! I will raise you up and let you shine while helping keep the guard rails on so we're all in a safe space! We're here to have fun. I primarily play Index Card RPG: Master Edition (or Core 2e), Basic Roleplaying UGE, (games... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 10:00 - 13:30 EDT
  Crown and Skull, Homebrew

13:00 EDT

Salt, Snow, and Blood

1625—A band of adventurers is hired to investigate a series of animal attacks on a remote mining camp in the French Alps and hunt down the threat…


Saturday July 27, 2024 13:00 - 15:00 EDT

13:00 EDT

The Night the Lights Went Out in Grimwood

You are agents of ORB (Observation Reaction Bureau), an organization that handles discreetly magic-related incidents. You and your team have been called upon to investigate disappearance and power issues at the power plant in Wolfwater. (Set in the soon-to-be-released, independently published Grimwood City setting supplement.)

Rated PG-13 for creepy-crawlies and dead bodies

avatar for David Ward

David Ward

Owner, Grimwood Games
Dave Ward is a veteran game master with over 25 years of experience, currently developing his own game, the Grimwood System. Dave’s passion for role-playing extends to the in-depth study of game mechanics and the dynamics of game worlds. Dave also runs Twitch and YouTube channels... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 13:00 - 16:00 EDT

19:00 EDT

...Thicker Than Water: An Investigation into the Eldritch and the Uncanny

Puget Sound, November 1927: Join a desperate group of confidantes as they attempt to enlist the aid of a fringe physician on a remote island to help save their dying friend. An arduous journey to entreat a recalcitrant expert is only the first challenge. A life hangs in the balance, and time is running out… NB: This is a cosmic horror investigation scenario in the style of the fiction of HP Lovecraft.

(This session features material from The Cthulhack, a free, independent, original rules-light cosmic horror addendum for Index Card RPG Master Edition; a rules PDF is provided to all attendees.)

avatar for Christian Bynum

Christian Bynum

I’m a graphic design professional, writer/editor, and former research scientist. I have 46 years of experience as a GM enjoying over two dozen RPG systems across all genres. I run Index Card RPG because it’s my favorite. Your fun at RuneJammer is my priority, and I look forward... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 19:00 - 23:00 EDT

20:00 EDT

Asteroid of Doom: An EZD6 Sci-Fi Adventure

Your crew has been commissioned to visit the enigmatic Astragula asteroid belt and restore progress on the acquisition of top-secret alien artifacts from the miners and scientists inhabiting the base on asteroid X617. You are tasked with making a comprehensive assessment of the situation, considering both the psychological and practical aspects, and with taking appropriate action to resolve any issues. 

NB: Both parties have been informed of your arrival and your responsibilities in restoring functionality to this project.

An eerie tale unfurls on the asteroid, as whispers seep through clandestine channels. The population has suffered from enigmatic deaths, and the once-bountiful looting of artifacts has faded to an uninspired trickle. Now trust has fractured, accusations fly, and tensions rise between miners and scientists, threatening to bring operations to a halt. Your pay hinges on finding a solution.

  • Join me, DM Scotty, as I run you through my original EZD6 Sci-Fi adventure
  • I will be running the game on Roll20 with a separate video chat
  • All materials will be provided (No EZD6 experience needed)
  • Players will create unique characters from provided instructions

avatar for DM Scotty

DM Scotty

Special Guest GM
I was in high school when I started roleplaying with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1e). I adore the RPG experience, as it is truly unique. The thrill of engaging with a narrative crafted by everyone at the table is a feeling that never grows old.I created the DM's Craft YouTube channel... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 20:00 - Sunday July 28, 2024 00:00 EDT

20:30 EDT

The Lost Shard of Mooncrest

The Crystal Observatory in Mooncrest is missing! The cause of its disappearance remains undisclosed, but you have been hired and dispatched from Hogansfort to resolve this crisis. Mooncrest has spared no expense to keep its secrets safe. Meanwhile, Elven agents from Thryn and Samurai from Gulglac are converging on the small lumber town south of the Elk River. The race is on—will you uncover the truth before they do?

Rated PG-13—Heroic pulp adventure with moments of horror

avatar for Trent “Jface” Harrison

Trent “Jface” Harrison

Jface Games
How we doing?!  My name is Jface, and I'm a TTRPG and board game enthusiast.  I'm in the midst of creating my own game.  On my YT channel I go through the process of exploring what makes other games work.  We analyze mechanics, the math behind it, and the general feel/vibe.  If... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 20:30 - 23:30 EDT
  Crown and Skull
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    • July 2024
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